Jumat, 23 Desember 2016

How Are You?

Wassup? It's been a really looooooong time since i've wrote. Lots of reason's for that.

Setelah aku minta doa dari teman-teman untuk dimudahkan segala urusanku, dan aku sangat berterimakasih atas doa-doanya. Hari ini aku sudah memiliki embel-embel di belakang namaku. Ya, ALHAMDULILLAH, I HAD GRADUATED!!! 

Nah, jadi selama ini aku bener-bener fokus untuk menyelesaikan studi kasus ku. And now I'm here. I have much time to write here, but i don't know what to write. I needed to write a blog post but couldn’t think of any ideas to write about. 

Give me some time to think.

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